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Skincare in your 40’s

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Our 40’s is when we really start to feel like we look our age.

Wrinkles become deeper, volume loss is more obvious, skin texture changes, and skin laxity starts to creep in. Thus, by our 40’s we should be using a good anti-aging skin care regimen with a retinoid, antioxidant, peptides, and growth factors. Laser skin resurfacing and injectable fillers (Sculptra, Voluma, Restylane, and Juvederm) can really help to refresh our look and neurotoxins (Botox and Dysport) continue to play an important role in further prevention and correction of lines. Regular skin tightening procedures such as Ultherapy are optimal for prevention of skin laxity. Fractionated CO2 laser resurfacing can be used to tighten skin on the upper and lower eyelids. Maintenance is key!


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