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Men commonly seek out our cosmetic dermatologists to help them improve sun damage, wrinkles, scars, hair loss, unwanted fat (body contouring), and excessive sweating.
We understand aging comes upon us quickly and catches us by surprise. There is hope and a way to address these concerns in a very pragmatic manner. As compared to women, male skin is thicker and contains higher levels of collagen. This allows the facial skin of men to age more slowly. Men also have the highest rates of skin cancer; therefore, we feel sunscreen is fundamental for all of our patients to protect against skin cancer and sun damage (brown spots, fine lines, and wrinkles). For routine daily usage, we recommend using a sunscreen with at least SPF 30. Many men will cringe at the thought of using daily sunscreen due to visions of white cream clinging to their facial hairs. However, there are now a variety of translucent sunscreens and moisturizers with sunscreen available.
It is never too late to begin great skin care habits. Collagen stimulating skin care products such as retinols, growth factors, and vitamin C products are essential and help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Botox and Dysport are not just for women, we routinely use these procedures in men to reduce wrinkles around the eyes, forehead, and between the eyebrows. For men looking to reduce facial redness, broken blood vessels, brown spots, freckles, or scars (acne, surgical, and traumatic), we offer a variety of lasers to help you achieve your goals.
The most common type of hair loss in men is androgenetic alopecia. It can start as early as the teenage years and becomes more widespread and progressive over time. Topical solutions and foams containing minoxidil (ex. Rogaine) are first line therapy. A regimen of vitamins, oral prescription medications (finasteride), and platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections are used for further improvement of hair loss and to promote hair growth. In cases of more widespread hair loss, hair transplantation surgery may be recommended.
Excessive sweating known medically as hyperhidrosis, affects both men and women. It can occur all over the body or be limited to areas such as the underarms, palms, and soles. Treatment options include topical and oral prescriptions, Botox, and microwave thermolysis (Miradry). Finally, there are a variety of nonsurgical treatments to reduce fatty tissue on the neck (double chin) and body ranging from injections with Kybella, freezing with Coolsculpting, and heating with energy devices.
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